延长一天The goal of the 延长一天 program is to provide a nurturing yet challenging environment in which the 幼儿计划 through fifth grade 学生有机会玩, 参加艺术和手工艺活动, 休息, 读, and do homework with teachers and staff in a safe, 关怀和熟悉的环境. We offer a variety of activities in which children learn through play, build self-confidence and think creatively with the support of teachers and staff. 学生s are expected to treat other students and teachers with respect and work cooperatively within a positive environment.
为了方便父母, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 offers 假期照顾 (through the 延长一天 Program) on various days throughout the year when School is closed for students in the 幼儿计划 – fifth grade. 假期护理期间, 学生有机会玩, 参加艺术和手工艺活动, 休息, 读 and do homework with teachers and staff in a safe, 关怀和熟悉的环境. 护理从早上8点开始.m. – 6 p.m., 学生必须带午饭, 包括一杯饮料, as the Lemon Dining Hall is closed during 假期照顾. To sign up for 假期照顾, please fill out and return a form to your child’s teacher. Parents are permitted to sign up for 假期照顾 until two days prior to the scheduled date. 如果假日护理被取消了, a note will be sent home two days in advance to allow parents to make other arrangements. 一旦你注册了假日护理, you must notify school staff (in writing) if you decide to cancel or your account will be billed for the day. For more information please contact 延长一天 Director Daryan霍纳 at 540-989-6641 or 540-521-5042 (during 延长一天/假期照顾 hours). 2023-2024年收费表
JK-3,三天,下午1:00 - 3:00.m. 每年1550美元 JK-3,五天,下午1时至3时.m. 每年2200美元 JK-3,三天,下午1时至6时.m. 每年3050美元 JK-3,五天,下午1时至6时.m. 每年4350美元 JK-3 -五年级,下午3:00 - 6:00.m. 每年3250美元 |
延长日表格: 儿童登记表格 要求 by the Department of Social Services for any child who wishes to attend 延长一天, 不管时间有多长. 书面用药同意书 This form gives the 延长一天 staff permission to give your child prescribed medication if she/he requires. 每种药物都需要一份表格. 健康的形式 这份文件是 要求 health form 延长一天 MUST have on file in order for your child to participate in the 延长一天 Program. 样品进度
幼儿室 停机时间2:45-3:15 中心/操场时间3:20-4:10 浴室4:15-4:25 零食4:30-4:55 室内/室外游戏5:00-5:40 打扫/读书时间:5:45-6:00 作业空间 /卷/浴室2:50-3:00到达 作业时间3:00-4:10 打包/零食/洗手间4:15-4:45 室内/室外游戏4:50-5:40 打扫/读书时间:5:45-6:00 家庭作业室的时间表各不相同. Homework is always done between 3:00 and 4:05 but sometimes they go right outside before snack. |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641•(540)9897299(传真) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅是一所独立的学校, 男女合校的, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer 校董会.
All contact information listed on this website is for official 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 business only. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not accept unsolicited advertisements sent to school email addresses, 电话号码, 或者这个网站上列出的传真号码. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, 入学, 财政援助或就业政策, or any other programs administered by the School. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的 包容性的声明. 认证 North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅's Junior Kindergarten is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools who is recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Council for Private Education to accredit private nursery, 学前教育, elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. 会员资格 North Cross is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association for College Admission Counseling, and Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, The Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 隐私政策 |